Call Us Now : +27 87 5511 579
Full Utility Management
Bulk Management: We manage municipality account, billing of tenants, credit control, metering related maintenance, common area lighting maintenance, energy efficiency.
We take over the Full responsibility of the Electricity/Water Account and make sure that there are no kWh losses on the Building. We handle all electricity Related queries and administration.
Utility Management: We provide all our value-added services on every building. This management will require us to collect all the sub-metering data and send it to the Managing Agent/Body corporate/individual in any/every format required. We will manage and all electricity/water issues and queries.
NUSCO can provide clients with a Pre-paid platform, we administrate this pre-paid platform. The user can buy pre-paid electricity 24hrs a day at supermarkets, ATM’s and online. We also apply all the correct tariffs and billing in accordance with NERSA regulations.
Pre-paid metering is the best form of Sub-metering residential complexes and small offices. Pre-paid assures that the user pays for all the electricity he uses. These solutions avoid the inconvenience and expense of unpaid utility bills, recovery of recurring fixed expenses and arrears. We also have a call -Centre that handles all the pre-paid queries and problems. NUSCO is a Wholesaler of Conlog meters which are manufactured locally. These meters are also tamper proof and can be used in high-risk low-cost developments. The Pre-paid system we administrate is controlled online and meters can be credited/connected/disconnected online. We can also recover water usage using the Electric pre-paid meter which is very cost effective and efficient.
Smart Metering
NUSCO has its own smart metering platform and can provide clients with smart metering solutions.
Conversion from Municipality to Bulk: We have successfully converted office blocks with individual accounts at the municipality to one bulk meter, which results in a R12000 savings per office per year
LED energy saving lights conversion: We have installed LED lights into Building effectively saving the owner money. The costs are paid off in the first 6 months.
Tariff Changes: We work with the municipality to ensure each building is on the correct and most suitable tariff.
We are connected with Solar companies and can offer financed solar solutions.
We provide Fibre infrastructure and great deals to developers and end-users. Contact us for more info or you can request a quote by visiting our contact page.
We are currently installing numerous meters into various complexes around Cape Town to ensure everyone is billed for their own water usage. We make use of the WMU devices, Smart meter technology and Smartphone application to ensure the end-users are able to monitor their water consumption and accurate billing.
We have our own plumber and ensure that installations are done correctly and professionally.
Reporting to clients.
Consultations in meetings.
Meeting end-users to discuss queries.
Working with municipality and Local Authorities.
Paying the Bulk account at the municipality.
Handling of all electricity/water queries.
Replacing meters.
Applying the best tariff structure.
Helping body corporates to recover all energy related cost.
Check Municipality Accounts.
Technical Audit and Consultation.
Metering Consultations on new projects.
Electrical quotes and maintenance.
Investigate Discrepancies.
Replacing Lights in common areas.
Municipality Meter readings
We offer a wide range of solutions for Municipality meter readings, ranging from conventional readings to smart meters.